The latest CDC statistics on Cardiovascular disease are rather grim; With an alarming number of approximately 659,000 people dying each year in the US alone, CVD is not to be taken lightly. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death not only in the US, but also worldwide. Previous studies have shown that eating more seafood was associated with a reduction in all causes and CVD-related mortality. Seafood is known to contain the following: heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fats Iron Iodine (during pregnancy) Choline Based on information published by the FDA, Choline, for example, supports the development of the baby’s spinal cord. The iron and zinc found in fish help to support children’s immune systems. Protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium are also other sources of nutrients derived from fish. Nonetheless, many people choose to limit their seafood consumption because of fear of mercury exposure from seafood. Most Common Way People Are Exposed ...
Like a circus moving from town to town, the Jalapeno crave is going around. So for all you Jalapeno lovers, I know you wouldn't mind a few tips to help you enjoy or dig into a few more Jalapeno poppers or even some Jalapeno chicken salad without having to suffer the consequences. Suppose you enjoy preparing your Jalapeno treats yourself; in that case, I must warn you, "exercise caution when cutting these "hotties"; because if you don't, your eyes, nose, and skin will have to pay the price. If you would rather sit somewhere where it's cozy (like a restaurant or a Jalapeno specialty spot and enjoy your "hotties"), then you don't have to worry about feeling the after-cutting burn. You just have to deal with a mouthful of fire. Just make sure you order a carton or glass of milk, yogurt, or some dairy ice cream. Yes, it has to be dairy! The casein found in dairy can help wash the capsaicin away. If somehow you have long opted out of consuming dair...